Gloria Dei Policy Update

The Gloria Dei Executive Team met on Tuesday evening for extended conversation regarding next steps in being church together as we’ve entered this current phase of dealing with the pandemic. 

  • Masks are welcomed but not required for worship. Until we learn more, we are asking people to mask while singing. 
  •  Pew cushions, hymnals, and Bibles are now back in the pews. All service infomation will also be printed in bulletins.
  • People will have the option of coming forward for communion starting this Sunday, but we will wait until after Easter Sunday for kneeling at the rail for the sacrament. 
  •  “Coffee” will return to Gloria Dei this Sunday. For the first few weeks, this will also include juice boxes and pre-packaged snacks. 
  •  We are hoping to have one midweek Lenten soup supper this year – on Wednesday, April 6 
  • We are hoping to have an Easter brunch. LCM students will make muffins and assist with serving. Other leadership needs to be arranged. Proceeds above expenses will support Lutheran Campus Ministry. 
  • Sanctuary Choir will have short rehearsals on Wednesdays after Holden Evening Prayer and then sing the following Sundays at both services. Singers will remain masked until further notice. 
  •  The nursery will remain closed until after spring break, but an assortment of toys and children’s furniture has been returned to the lounge. 
 Please continue to keep the Executive Committee in your grateful prayers as they continue to seek to lead us safely and faithfully forward.

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Iowa City

Gathered by grace. Scattered for service.

123 E Market Street
Iowa City, IA 52245